Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Colts and more

So the Colts won it all and now we can all stop saying that Peyton Manning can not win the big one! So all of the guys one ESPN are going to get off his back now right...haha No never just hours after the game they had to start on just how good is he and does he need to win more then one Super Bowl. Look All i'm saying is can we all just get off his back for this year find something new to talk about and some other guy who can not win the big one, Manning did it! now I do not think we should give him a pass, after he does not want one. On Monday, as Manning spoke to the media as Super Bowl XLI’s Most Valuable Player, he asked not that the media stop scrutinizing and criticizing, but more that he not be judged based on this year. At least not in the future.
Some past Super Bowl champion quarterbacks, he said, get a pass for poor games or poor seasons, their reputation as a Super Bowl winning sometimes covering for mistakes.
No pass, Manning said.
No way. No how.
“I don’t want the pass,” Manning said Monday, a day after the Colts’ 29-17 victory over the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XLI at Dolphin Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. “I want to be held accountable each year, and each year my goal is to be a better quarterback.
“I feel like I should be because of the experience I gained this year.”

So now to the NBA.

The Mavs are looking good as we all know and the Suns just win all the time and you can never say that San Antonio is not going to win it all as long as they have the big 3, But as for me I think that you could see alot more upsets this year! The Eastern Conference can go to anyone who wants it ( Miami in my mind) But as we all know the West is best. Now a team that is on the move is the L.A. Clippers they have won 7 of 10 and are playing more like last year, Look out for them to make a run. Denver was a team that all of the world loved when they got A.I but did not live up to all of the talk! The Team that is doing the most with players no one knows by name other the Kobe is the Lakers. At 30 and 19 they are 2 games back of San Antonio and a very good team! I think you could see them make a run come playoff time! Look out NBA the Lakers are comeing!

All for now!

Erik Hay

1 comment:

The Wannabe Columnist said...

Nice blog, man. You're right about Peyton. The media is still all over him on how he compares to Tom Brady, and it will take two more rings to shut them up for Manning, most likely. By the way, I added you to my blog/link list.